

The Artist in Me

The Artist in Me


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year

Ahhh, another new year is upon us. Another year filled with endless possibilities...365 new beginnings for us to take in hand and mold to whatever dreams and desires we have in mind for ourselves. Days filled with happy laughter and maybe a few tears, but totally ours to be used as we see fit. Let our expectations be majestic, our goals be lofty and our doubts be scarce as we face the coming year, and may we all be the best we can be. Happy New Year to all!! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gosh it's been awhile....
I always think that I'm going to be really dedicated to updating here weekly, but then as usual, life gets in the way! LOL We've had soooo much going on this year, it's just been a crazy life lately! It doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon either; but that's ok, I don't know if I could take it if it actually slowed to normal! haha

Anyway, thought I'd drop by and show a couple things that I've been playing with lately. I'm loving these little cones, and have just gone kinda crazy making them. I'm only gonna post a few of them, but I have so many becuz I just can't seem to quit making them.

Hope you enjoy looking at them....I'm sure loving making them! :D